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Data types


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...39 header 5 bytes ApduRequest.Header
40... data bytes


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 cla 1 byte unsigned
8...15 ins 1 byte unsigned Instruction
16...23 p1 1 byte unsigned Parameter 1
24...31 p2 1 byte unsigned Parameter 2
32...39 lc 1 byte unsigned Length


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0... data totalFrameByteSize - 2 bytes
... status 2 bytes unsigned


Name Value
OK 36864 (0x9000)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...39 header 5 bytes ApduRequest.Header
40... request unknown TapRequestFrame



Name Value
get 202 (0xCA)
put_or_post 218 (0xDA)


Name Value
cla 162 (0xA2)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...15 id 2 bytes unsigned
16...31 len 2 bytes unsigned
32... payload len bytes
... padding (16 - ((2 + 2 + toInt ( len ) + 4) % 16)) % 16 bytes The whole frame length must be a multiple of 16 bytes.
... crc 4 bytes unsigned


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...55 header 7 bytes TapRequestFrame.Header
56... payload Until end of stream bytes


Name Value
get 1 (0x1)
post 2 (0x2)
put 3 (0x3)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 method_type 1 byte TapRequestFrame.MethodType (unsigned)
8...55 path 6 bytes TapRequestFrame.Path


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...15 object_id 2 bytes unsigned
16...31 object_instance_id 2 bytes unsigned
32...47 resource_id 2 bytes unsigned


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 status 1 byte unsigned
8... data Until end of stream bytes


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 items 1 byte Array of AclEntry (repeat until end of stream)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...2 Reserved for future use 3 bits bits
3...3 create 1 bit boolean
4...4 delete 1 bit boolean
5...5 execute 1 bit boolean
6...6 write 1 bit boolean
7...7 read 1 bit boolean


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...15 command 2 bytes AdpControlIn.Command (unsigned)
16...31 param 2 bytes unsigned


Name Value
none 0 (0x0)
zip 32769 (0x8001)
unzip 32770 (0x8002)
set_transmission_buffer_size 32771 (0x8003)
total_buffer_size 32772 (0x8004)
get_transmission_buffer_size 32773 (0x8005)
set_response_delimiter_low 32774 (0x8006)
set_response_delimiter_high 32775 (0x8007)
set_command_delimiter_low 32776 (0x8008)
exec_commands 32777 (0x8009)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...15 result_code 2 bytes AdpControlOut.ResultCode (unsigned) Result code
16...31 param 2 bytes unsigned


Name Value
none 0 (0x0)
ok 32768 (0x8000)
zip_timeout 32769 (0x8001)
unzip_timeout 32770 (0x8002)
zip_error 32771 (0x8003)
unzip_error 32772 (0x8004)
unknown_command 32773 (0x8005)
invalid_param 32774 (0x8006)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...63 header 8 bytes AdpStats.Header
64...95 state 4 bytes AdpStats.State
96...159 uart 8 bytes AdpStats.Uart
160...223 usb 8 bytes AdpStats.Usb
224...255 current 4 bytes bytes
256...319 com 8 bytes AdpStats.Com
320...351 battery 4 bytes bytes
352...543 intern 24 bytes AdpStats.Intern


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...15 Reserved for future use 2 bytes bytes
16...39 version 3 bytes AdpStats.Version
40...47 error_code 1 byte unsigned
48...63 Reserved for future use 2 bytes bytes


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 major 1 byte unsigned
8...15 minor 1 byte unsigned
16...23 patch 1 byte unsigned


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...31 time 4 bytes bytes
32...63 nb_boots 4 bytes bytes
64...79 nb_shutdown 2 bytes bytes
80...95 nb_adp_fault 2 bytes bytes
96...111 nb_adp_mem_fault 2 bytes bytes
112...127 nb_adp_bus_fault 2 bytes bytes
128...143 nb_adp_usage_fault 2 bytes bytes
144...159 Reserved for future use 2 bytes bytes
160...191 temperature 4 bytes bytes


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...6 Reserved for future use 7 bits bits
7...7 usb_disconnected 1 bit boolean
8...31 Reserved for future use 3 bytes bytes


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 nb_partity_error 1 byte unsigned
8...15 nb_noise_error 1 byte unsigned
16...23 nb_frame_error 1 byte unsigned
24...31 nb_dma_error 1 byte unsigned
32...39 nb_tx_error 1 byte unsigned
40...47 nb_rx_error 1 byte unsigned
48...55 nb_over_run 1 byte unsigned
56...63 Reserved for future use 1 byte unsigned


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 nb_fail 1 byte unsigned
8...15 nb_timeout 1 byte unsigned
16...23 nb_error 1 byte unsigned
24...31 nb_unknown_class 1 byte unsigned
32...39 nb_disconnect 1 byte unsigned
40...47 nb_off 1 byte unsigned
48...63 Reserved for future use 2 bytes bytes


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 tx_buffer_over_run 1 byte unsigned
8...15 rx_buffer_over_run 1 byte unsigned
16...23 nb_error_settings 1 byte unsigned
24...31 Reserved for future use 1 byte unsigned
32...63 nb_com_adp 4 bytes bytes


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...5 Reserved for future use 6 bits bits
6...7 speed 2 bits CpuFrequencySpeed (bits)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...31 address 4 bytes unsigned
32...63 size 4 bytes unsigned
64...95 crc 4 bytes unsigned


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...5 Reserved for future use 6 bits bits
6...6 security 1 bit boolean True if packets are stored encrypted
7...7 qos 1 bit boolean Quality Of Service
8...12 Reserved for future use 5 bits bits
13...13 log_on_change 1 bit boolean True to create a new data log packet when value change
14...14 rolling_mode 1 bit boolean
15...15 autorun 1 bit boolean True to automatically run data log when tap is powered on


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...127 iv 16 bytes bytes
128... request Until end of stream bytes


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...127 iv 16 bytes bytes
128... response Until end of stream bytes


Name Value
dc_power 1 (0x1)
s3p 16 (0x10)
ac_external_power 32 (0x20)


Name Value
normal 1 (0x1)
updating 2 (0x2)
updated 4 (0x4)


Name Value
default_value 0 (0x0)
update_successful 1 (0x1)
not_enough_memory 2 (0x2)
out_of_memory 4 (0x4)
connection_lost 8 (0x8)
crc_check_failure 16 (0x10)
unsupported_package_type 32 (0x20)
invalid_uri 64 (0x40)


Name Value
no 0 (0x0)
low 1 (0x1)
standby 2 (0x2)
shutdown 3 (0x3)


Name Value
normal 0 (0x0)
slow 1 (0x1)
fast 2 (0x2)


Name Value
peer_to_peer 0 (0x0)
network 1 (0x1)


Name Value
no_platform 0 (0x0)
iotize 1 (0x1)
ibm_bluemix 2 (0x2)
amazon_aws 3 (0x3)
custom 4 (0x4)


Name Value
RST 0 (0x0)
TDI 1 (0x1)
TDO 2 (0x2)
SWDCK 3 (0x3)
SWDIO 4 (0x4)
EXT_A2 6 (0x6)
EXT_A3 7 (0x7)
EXT_A4 8 (0x8)
EXT_A5 9 (0x9)
EXT_A6 10 (0xA)
EXT_A7 11 (0xB)
EXT_A8 12 (0xC)
EXT_A9 13 (0xD)
EXT_A10 14 (0xE)
EXT_A11 15 (0xF)
EXT_B2 16 (0x10)
EXT_B3 17 (0x11)
EXT_B4 18 (0x12)
EXT_B5 19 (0x13)
EXT_B6 20 (0x14)
EXT_B7 21 (0x15)
EXT_B8 22 (0x16)
EXT_B9 23 (0x17)
EXT_B10 24 (0x18)
EXT_B11 25 (0x19)


Name Value
m0_cortex 1 (0x1)
m2_cortex 2 (0x2)
m3_cortex 3 (0x3)


Name Value
m0_cortex 0 (0x0)
m1_cortex 1 (0x1)


Name Value
visible 0 (0x0)
hidden 1 (0x1)


Name Value
visible 0 (0x0)
hidden_from_scan 1 (0x1)
hidden 2 (0x2)


Name Value
b 1 (0x1)
g 2 (0x2)
n 4 (0x4)


Name Value
_1_bit 0 (0x0)
_8_bits 1 (0x1)
_16_bits 2 (0x2)
_32_bits 3 (0x3)


Name Value
nfc 1 (0x1)
bluetooth 2 (0x2)
gsm 4 (0x4)
usb_rlink 8 (0x8)
usb_cmisis_dap 16 (0x10)
wifi 32 (0x20)
ble 64 (0x40)
uart 256 (0x100)
mqtt 512 (0x200)
websocket 1024 (0x400)
slave_server 2048 (0x800)


Name Value
swd 0 (0x0)
s3p 1 (0x1)
jtag 2 (0x2)
modbus 3 (0x3)
direct_io 4 (0x4)
serial 6 (0x6)
custom 7 (0x7)
can 8 (0x8)
modbus_tcp 9 (0x9)
none 255 (0xFF)


Name Value
no 0 (0x0)
mandatory 1 (0x1)
mandatory_for_login 2 (0x2)


Name Value
SERIAL_ACCESS 101 (0x65)
MQTT_IDS_ACCESS 105 (0x69)


Name Value


Name Value
URL "\$2/"
AAR_2 "\$6/"


Name Value
input_floating 0 (0x0)
output_open_drain 1 (0x1)
output_push_pull 3 (0x3)
input_pull_up 4 (0x4)
output_open_drain_pull_up 5 (0x5)
input_pull_down 8 (0x8)


Name Value
dataLog 1 (0x1)
jvm 2 (0x2)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...31 seconds 4 bytes unsigned
32...63 minutes 4 bytes unsigned
64...95 hours 4 bytes unsigned hours since midnight
96...127 day_of_month 4 bytes unsigned day of the month
128...159 month 4 bytes unsigned Months since January (0-11)
160...191 year 4 bytes unsigned year since 1900
192...223 day_of_week 4 bytes unsigned days since sunday
224...255 day_of_year 4 bytes unsigned day since Hanuary 1
256...287 isdst 4 bytes unsigned Daylight Saving Time Flag


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...127 username 16 bytes string
128...255 password 16 bytes string


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...127 username 16 bytes string
128...255 password 16 bytes bytes


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...0 class_a 1 bit boolean
1...1 class_b 1 bit boolean
2...2 class_c 1 bit boolean
3...3 data_logging_enabled 1 bit boolean
4...4 single_packet_enabled 1 bit boolean


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...5 Reserved for future use 6 bits bits
6...7 lowPowerMode 2 bits LowPowerOptimizationLevel.LowPowerMode (bits)


Name Value
no 0 (0x0)
low 1 (0x1)
high 2 (0x2)
high high 3 (0x3)



Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...31 address 4 bytes unsigned Address
32...63 length 4 bytes unsigned Number of word
64...71 format 1 byte VariableFormat (unsigned) Size of one word


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...71 info 9 bytes MemoryInfo
72... data Until end of stream bytes


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 function_code 1 byte unsigned
8...15 slave 1 byte unsigned
16...31 address 2 bytes unsigned


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...4 Reserved for future use 5 bits bits Reserved for future use
5...7 object_type 3 bits ModbusOptions.ObjectType (bits) Modbus object type
8...15 slave 1 byte unsigned Slave address
16...31 address 2 bytes unsigned Modbus address to read
32...63 length 4 bytes unsigned Number of word to read
64...71 format 1 byte VariableFormat (unsigned) Variable format (only on for variables)


Name Value
default 0 (0x0)
coil 1 (0x1)
discret_input 2 (0x2)
holding_register 3 (0x3)
input_register 4 (0x4)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...71 options 9 bytes ModbusOptions
72... data Until end of stream bytes Modbus data


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0... requests unknown Array of MultiRequestFrame.RequestItem (repeat until end of stream)


Name Value
success 127 (0x7F)
anything 255 (0xFF)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...15 request_len 2 bytes unsigned
16... request request_len TapRequestFrame
... expected_response_status 1 byte unsigned


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0... responses unknown Array of MultiResponseFrame.ResponseItem (repeat until end of stream)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...15 response_len 2 bytes unsigned
16... response response_len TapResponseFrame


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...2 Reserved for future use 3 bits bits
3...3 radioMixEnabled 1 bit boolean
4...4 lteEnabled 1 bit boolean
5...5 ethernetEnabled 1 bit boolean
6...6 wifiDisabled 1 bit boolean
7...7 wifiNetworkMode 1 bit boolean


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...3 Reserved for future use 4 bits bits
4...5 cpuFrequencySpeed 2 bits CpuFrequencySpeed (bits)
6...7 lowPowerOptimizationLevel 2 bits LowPowerOptimizationLevel (bits)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...15 request 2 bytes unsigned Max frame size in bytes for a Tap request
16...31 response 2 bytes unsigned Max frame size in bytes for a Tap response


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...31 offset 4 bytes unsigned
32...63 size 4 bytes unsigned


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 header 1 byte unsigned
8... groupId toInt( header ) == 0x61 ? 2 : 1 unsigned
... Reserved for future use 6 bits bits
... write 1 bit boolean
... read 1 bit boolean


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...127 username 16 bytes string
128...159 client_nonce 4 bytes unsigned


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...31 serverNonce 4 bytes unsigned
32...63 salt 4 bytes bytes
64...95 iteration_number 4 bytes unsigned


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 Reserved for future use 1 byte bytes Reserver for future use
8...10 Reserved for future use 3 bits bits Reserver for future use
11...11 scram_activated 1 bit boolean true if scram is activated
12...12 hash_password 1 bit boolean true if login is done using the hash of the password instead of the password itself
13...13 disable_hardware_factory_reset 1 bit boolean true to disable factory reset using hardware
14...14 disable_login_with_u_i_d 1 bit boolean true to disable login using UID (resource /1024//5)
15...15 disable_resource_factory_reset 1 bit boolean true to disable factory reset using LwM2M resource



Name Value
none 0 (0x0)
odd 1 (0x1)
even 2 (0x2)


Name Value
none 0 (0x0)
rts 1 (0x1)
cts 2 (0x2)
rts_cts 3 (0x3)


Name Value
one 0 (0x0)
one_and_half 1 (0x1)
two 2 (0x2)


Name Value
none 0 (0x0)
rs232 1 (0x1)
usb 3 (0x3)
rs485_with_signal_direction 4 (0x4)
auto 6 (0x6)
rs485 10 (0xA)


Name Value
none 0 (0x0)
cr 1 (0x1)
lf 2 (0x2)
cr_lf 3 (0x3)


Name Value
_7 0 (0x0)
_8 1 (0x1)
_9 2 (0x2)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...31 send_time 4 bytes unsigned
32...127 header 12 bytes SinglePacket.Header
128... payload unknown SinglePacket.Payload


Name Value
data_log 1 (0x1)
command 2 (0x2)
code_exec 3 (0x3)
conf_update 4 (0x4)
security_token 5 (0x5)
target_fw_update 6 (0x6)
mask 7 (0x7)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...15 packet_length 2 bytes unsigned Packet length is full size without send_time. When encoded, it is a multile of 16 when encryption is enabled and a multiple of 256 when is_extended is enabled
16...31 packet_id 2 bytes unsigned
32...63 config_version 4 bytes unsigned
64...67 message_type 4 bits SinglePacket.PacketType (bits)
68...68 Reserved for future use 1 bit boolean
69...69 is_extended 1 bit boolean if true, packet length is a multiple of 256 otherwise it's a multiple of 16
70...70 encryption 1 bit boolean
71...71 ack 1 bit boolean
72...79 sender_id 1 byte unsigned
80...95 salt 2 bytes unsigned


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...31 log_time 4 bytes unsigned
32...47 data_size 2 bytes unsigned Same as packet_length, size depends on the unit. In case of a code_exec packet, this is not used
48... data toInt( data_size ) == 0 ? ( totalFrameByteSize - 4 ) : toInt( data_size ) bytes
... padding (4 - (( byteSize( data ) + 10) % 4)) % 4 bytes Padding on 4 bytes (usefull to compute CRC)
... crc 4 bytes unsigned CRC32 is computed starting from field packet_length


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...3 format 4 bits SinglePacketChunk.Format (bits) Frame format
4...15 length 12 bits bits Single packet chunk length. Actual byte length is multiplied by 16
16... offset enumRawValue( format ) == 0b1000 ? 4 : 2 unsigned Single packet chunk offset in single packet store. Actual byte offset is multiplied by 16
... data toInt( length ) * 16 bytes


Name Value
offset_on_2_bytes 0 (0x0)
offset_on_4_bytes 8 (0x8)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...23 Reserved for future use 3 bytes bytes
24...31 state 1 byte SinglePacketStoreInfo.State (unsigned)


Name Value
unavailable 0 (0x0)
empty 1 (0x1)
used 2 (0x2)
full 3 (0x3)
error 4 (0x4)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 firstRegisterAddress 1 byte unsigned
8...39 port 4 bytes unsigned


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 channel 1 byte SlaveServerRawConfig.Channel (unsigned)
8...15 length 1 byte unsigned
16... config length bytes


Name Value
disabled 0 (0x0)
modbus_rtu 1 (0x1)
spi 2 (0x2)
can 3 (0x3)
modbus_tcp 4 (0x4)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...11 modbus 12 bits TapnpassProtocolConfiguration.Modbus
12...63 serial 52 bits TapnpassProtocolConfiguration.Serial
64...103 usb 5 bytes TapnpassProtocolConfiguration.Usb


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 slave 1 byte unsigned
8...10 Reserved for future use 3 bits bits Reserved for future use
11...11 offset_first_register 1 bit boolean


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...19 baud_rate 20 bits bits
20...20 identification 1 bit boolean
21...21 Reserved for future use 1 bit boolean Reserved for future use
22...22 led_status 1 bit boolean
23...23 Reserved for future use 1 bit boolean Reserved for future use
24...27 physical_port 4 bits SerialSettings.PhysicalPort (bits)
28...29 stop_bits 2 bits SerialSettings.StopBits (bits)
30...33 bit_parity 4 bits SerialSettings.BitParity (bits)
34...35 data_bits 2 bits SerialSettings.DataBits (bits)
36...39 handshake_delimiter 4 bits SerialSettings.HandshakeDelimiter (bits)
40...43 hardware_flow_control 4 bits SerialSettings.HardwareFlowControl (bits)
44...51 timeout 1 byte unsigned


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...39 aliases 5 bytes Array of TapnpassProtocolConfiguration.UsbAlias (repeat until end of stream)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...15 pid 2 bytes unsigned
16...31 vid 2 bytes unsigned
32...39 equ 1 byte unsigned


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 major 1 byte unsigned
8...15 minor 1 byte unsigned
16...31 patch 2 bytes unsigned


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...15 frequency 2 bytes unsigned
16...23 mode 1 byte TargetCanProtocolConfiguration.Mode (unsigned)
24...31 filter 1 byte TargetCanProtocolConfiguration.Filter (unsigned)
32...63 code 4 bytes unsigned
64...95 mask 4 bytes unsigned


Name Value
normal 0 (0x0)
no_ack 1 (0x1)
listen 2 (0x2)


Name Value
dual 0 (0x0)
single 1 (0x1)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...31 nb_fail_com 4 bytes unsigned
32...63 nb_successful_com 4 bytes unsigned


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 firstRegisterAddress 1 byte unsigned
8... ip Until char : string
... port Until char : string
... timeout Until end of stream string


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 delay 1 byte unsigned
8...15 mode 1 byte TargetS3PProtocolConfiguration.Mode (unsigned)


Name Value
emulation 0 (0x0)
indexed 1 (0x1)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...11 modbus 12 bits TargetSerialModbusProtocolConfiguration.Modbus
12...63 serial 52 bits TargetSerialModbusProtocolConfiguration.Serial


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...7 slave 1 byte unsigned
8...10 Reserved for future use 3 bits bits Reserved for future use
11...11 offset_first_register 1 bit boolean


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...19 baud_rate 20 bits bits
20...20 Reserved for future use 1 bit boolean
21...21 Reserved for future use 1 bit boolean Reserved for future use
22...22 Reserved for future use 1 bit boolean
23...23 Reserved for future use 1 bit boolean Reserved for future use
24...27 physical_port 4 bits SerialSettings.PhysicalPort (bits)
28...29 stop_bits 2 bits SerialSettings.StopBits (bits)
30...33 bit_parity 4 bits SerialSettings.BitParity (bits)
34...35 data_bits 2 bits SerialSettings.DataBits (bits)
36...39 handshake_delimiter 4 bits SerialSettings.HandshakeDelimiter (bits)
40...43 hardware_flow_control 4 bits SerialSettings.HardwareFlowControl (bits)
44...51 timeout 1 byte unsigned


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...1 identifier_type 2 bits bits 00= Object Instance in which case the Value contains one or more Resource TLVs 01= Resource Instance with Value for use within a multiple Resource TLV 10= multiple Resource, in which case the Value contains one or more Resource Instance TLVs 11= Resource with Value
2...2 identifier_length 1 bit boolean Indicates the Length of the Identifier. 0=The Identifier field of this TLV is 8 bits long 1=The Identifier field of this TLV is 16 bits long
3...4 length_type 2 bits bits 00=No length field, the value immediately follows the Identifier field in is of the length indicated by Bits 2-0 of this field 01 = The Length field is 8-bits and Bits 2-0 MUST be ignored 10 = The Length field is 16-bits and Bits 2-0 MUST be ignored 11 = The Length field is 24-bits and Bits 2-0 MUST be ignored
5...7 other 3 bits bits A 3-bit unsigned integer indicating the Length of the Value.
8...15 identifier 1 byte bytes
16...31 len 2 bytes unsigned
32... value Until end of stream bytes


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0... name Until char : string
... unit Until end of stream string


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...1 domain 2 bits VariableType.Domain (bits)
2...7 data 6 bits VariableType.Data (bits)


Name Value
boolean 0 (0x0)
int8 1 (0x1)
int16 2 (0x2)
int32 3 (0x3)
ascii 8 (0x8)
float32 19 (0x13)
uint8 33 (0x21)
uint16 34 (0x22)
uint32 35 (0x23)


Name Value
target 0 (0x0)
gpio 1 (0x1)
in_tap_static 2 (0x2)
in_tap_volatil 3 (0x3)


Position Name Size Encoding Description
0...4 Reserved for future use 5 bits bits
5...5 blePairing 1 bit boolean
6...7 nfcPairingMode 2 bits WirelessPairingOptions.NfcPairingMode (bits)


Name Value
no 0 (0x0)
mandatory 1 (0x1)
mandatory_for_login 2 (0x2)