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Configuration values are stored in JSON files.

The CLI maintains a global configuration file, located at ~/AppData/Roaming/iodecli/default/config.json.

To show the configuration file path used by the CLI, use command iotize config --file.

To show the configuration file content used by the CLI, use command iotize config --all.


To set a config key use command iotize config --set my.key=value

To read a config key use command iotize config --get my.key

Available configuration keys

Key Description Example
loglevel Define cli log level. Valid values are: debug, info, warn, error, none iotize config --set loglevel=warn
aliases.\<youralias> Define device aliases. Once you have set an alias, it can be used with @ prefix iotize config --set aliases.device1=ble:f1:49:30:D3:40:79 it will define alias @device1
default.device Default device to use (value can be an alias) iotize config --set default.device=<yourdevice>